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Version: 2024.2

10.4. Keeping It Simple

Eazfuscator.NET provides a simple integration path with Visual Studio projects, as shown in the Quick Start guide.

The provided integration is light yet powerful. What it essentially does is register Eazfuscator.NET in the post-build event of the project:

Post-build event of a Visual Studio project with integrated Eazfuscator.NET

For some project types, Eazfuscator.NET is integrated at MSBuild level:

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">

1<Import Condition=" '$(EAZFUSCATOR_NET_HOME)' != '' and Exists('$(EAZFUSCATOR_NET_HOME)\Integration\MSBuild\Eazfuscator.NET.targets') " Project="$(EAZFUSCATOR_NET_HOME)\Integration\MSBuild\Eazfuscator.NET.targets" />





The import directive instructs MSBuild to import Eazfuscator.NET targets.


A group of Eazfuscator.NET MSBuild properties configures the obfuscation integration.

Once integrated, Eazfuscator.NET comes into action and obfuscates the assembly every time the project is built in Release configuration.

Eazfuscator.NET messages can be found at Output Window of Visual Studio with View → Output (Ctrl+W,O):

Visual Studio Output Window right after Eazfuscator.NET has obfuscated the project output assembly

That's it. The rest of the things just work.

10.4.1. The Paralysis of Simplicity

The paralysis of simplicity is a problem that may apply to a person who experiences Eazfuscator.NET for the first time:

  • “How does Eazfuscator.NET know which key to use for the assembly signing?”
  • “How is it possible it just works every time?”
  • “What should I do to make Eazfuscator.NET work with MSBuild?”
  • and so on.

The general answer to these questions: it just works, and there is no need to worry about it; just give it a try.