olink — A link that addresses its target indirectly, through an entity
Mixed Content Model
olink ::=
Name | Type | Default |
xrefstyle | CDATA | None |
targetdocent | ENTITY | None |
localinfo | CDATA | None |
linkmode | IDREF | None |
targetdoc | CDATA | None |
targetptr | CDATA | None |
type | CDATA | None |
Unlike Link
and ULink
, the semantics of OLink
are application-specific. OLink
provides a mechanism for establishing links across documents, where ID/IDREF linking is not possible and ULink
is inappropriate.
In general terms, the strategy employed by OLink
is to point to the target document via an external general entity, and point into that document in some application-specific way.
Processing expectations
Formatted inline.
points to its target primarily with the TargetDocEnt
attribute. TargetDocEnt
must be the name of an entity (previously declared in the DTD or in the document subset).
Because TargetDocEnt
is an entity attribute, the entity used as its value must be declared with a notation. Because the target is usually another SGML or XML document, the notation SGML
is most often used:
<!ENTITY myotherdoc SYSTEM "myotherdoc.sgm" NDATA SGML>
The semantics of the link are controlled by three other attributes: LinkMode
, LocalInfo
, and Type
. The LinkMode
attribute points to a ModeSpec
. The content of ModeSpec
describes the semantic of the link in an entirely application-specific way.
The values of LocalInfo
and Type
may also influence the application. For example, if the ModeSpec
describes some sort of query, LocalInfo
might hold the query text (allowing multiple OLink
s to use the same ModeSpec
to achieve different queries with the same query engine).
Linking elements must not be nested within other linking elements (including themselves). Because DocBook is harmonizing towards XML, this restriction cannot easily be enforced by the DTD. The processing of nested linking elements is undefined.
Future Changes
The InterfaceDefinition
element will be discarded in DocBook V4.0. It will no longer be available in the content model of this element.
These elements contain olink: abbrev
, ackno
, acronym
, action
, application
, artpagenums
, attribution
, authorinitials
, bibliocoverage
, biblioid
, bibliomisc
, bibliorelation
, bibliosource
, bridgehead
, citation
, citebiblioid
, citetitle
, city
, classsynopsisinfo
, code
, collabname
, command
, computeroutput
, confdates
, confnum
, confsponsor
, conftitle
, contractnum
, contractsponsor
, contrib
, corpauthor
, corpcredit
, corpname
, country
, database
, date
, edition
, email
, emphasis
, entry
, fax
, figure
, filename
, firstname
, firstterm
, foreignphrase
, funcparams
, funcsynopsisinfo
, function
, glosssee
, glossseealso
, glossterm
, hardware
, holder
, honorific
, indexdiv
, informalfigure
, interfacename
, invpartnumber
, isbn
, issn
, issuenum
, jobtitle
, keycap
, label
, lineage
, lineannotation
, link
, literal
, literallayout
, lotentry
, manvolnum
, member
, modespec
, msgaud
, olink
, option
, optional
, orgdiv
, orgname
, otheraddr
, othername
, pagenums
, para
, parameter
, phone
, phrase
, pob
, postcode
, primary
, primaryie
, productname
, productnumber
, programlisting
, property
, pubdate
, publishername
, pubsnumber
, quote
, refentry
, refentrytitle
, refmiscinfo
, refnamediv
, refpurpose
, releaseinfo
, remark
, replaceable
, revnumber
, revremark
, screen
, screeninfo
, secondary
, secondaryie
, see
, seealso
, seealsoie
, seeie
, seg
, segtitle
, seriesvolnums
, shortaffil
, simpara
, state
, street
, subscript
, subtitle
, superscript
, surname
, synopsis
, systemitem
, td
, term
, termdef
, tertiary
, tertiaryie
, th
, title
, titleabbrev
, tocback
, tocentry
, tocfront
, trademark
, ulink
, userinput
, volumenum
, wordasword
, year
The following elements occur in olink: abbrev
, acronym
, action
, anchor
, application
, author
, authorinitials
, beginpage
, biblioref
, citation
, citebiblioid
, citerefentry
, citetitle
, classname
, classsynopsis
, cmdsynopsis
, code
, command
, computeroutput
, constant
, constructorsynopsis
, corpauthor
, corpcredit
, database
, destructorsynopsis
, email
, emphasis
, envar
, errorcode
, errorname
, errortext
, errortype
, exceptionname
, fieldsynopsis
, filename
, firstterm
, footnote
, footnoteref
, foreignphrase
, funcsynopsis
, function
, glossterm
, guibutton
, guiicon
, guilabel
, guimenu
, guimenuitem
, guisubmenu
, hardware
, indexterm
, inlineequation
, inlinegraphic
, inlinemediaobject
, interface
, interfacename
, keycap
, keycode
, keycombo
, keysym
, link
, literal
, markup
, medialabel
, menuchoice
, methodname
, methodsynopsis
, modespec
, mousebutton
, nonterminal
, olink
, ooclass
, ooexception
, oointerface
, option
, optional
, orgname
, othercredit
, package
, parameter
, personname
, phrase
, productname
, productnumber
, prompt
, property
, quote
, remark
, replaceable
, returnvalue
, revhistory
, sgmltag
, structfield
, structname
, subscript
, superscript
, symbol
, synopsis
, systemitem
, termdef
, token
, trademark
, type
, ulink
, uri
, userinput
, varname
, wordasword
, xref
points to theModeSpec
which provides additional application-specific information for resolving thisOLink
hold additional information that may be used with theModeSpec
(pointed to byLinkMode
) by the application when resolving thisOLink
specifies the name of an entity that is to be used as part of theOLink
. Exactly how the link is resolved is application dependent and may be influenced by theMoreInfo
is available for application-specific customization of the linking behavior.
In this example, we see how an OLink
might be used for searching. Here the ModeSpec
describes the search query (in a fictitious and entirely concocted syntax): “look in the titles of sections and return links using the title as the text of the link”. When the user selects the link, the application is expected to perform the query and then might display the list of titles as a pop-up window in the user interface.
<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN"
"http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.1.2/docbookx.dtd" [
<!ENTITY refbook SYSTEM "refbook.sgm" NDATA SGML>
<modespec id="s1query">query in sect*, title return link text title</modespec>
Blah, blah, blah.
<sect1><title>See Also</title>
For more information <olink targetdocent="refbook" linkmode="s1query"
localinfo="print or printing">about printing</olink>, consult
the <ulink url="refbook.sgm">reference manual</ulink>.