abstract — A summary
An abstract can occur in most components of DocBook. It is expected to contain some sort of summary of the content with which it is associated (by containment).
Processing expectations
Formatted as a displayed block. Sometimes suppressed. Often presented in alternate outputs.
These elements contain abstract: appendix
, appendixinfo
, article
, articleinfo
, bibliodiv
, biblioentry
, bibliography
, bibliographyinfo
, bibliomixed
, bibliomset
, biblioset
, blockinfo
, blockquote
, bookinfo
, callout
, chapter
, chapterinfo
, glossary
, glossaryinfo
, glossdiv
, index
, indexinfo
, itemizedlist
, listitem
, msgexplan
, msgtext
, objectinfo
, orderedlist
, partinfo
, partintro
, preface
, prefaceinfo
, procedure
, refentryinfo
, referenceinfo
, refsect1
, refsect1info
, refsect2
, refsect2info
, refsect3
, refsect3info
, refsection
, refsectioninfo
, refsynopsisdiv
, refsynopsisdivinfo
, sect1
, sect1info
, sect2
, sect2info
, sect3
, sect3info
, sect4
, sect4info
, sect5
, sect5info
, section
, sectioninfo
, setindex
, setindexinfo
, setinfo
, sidebarinfo
, simplesect
, step
, taskprerequisites
, taskrelated
, tasksummary
, variablelist
The following elements occur in abstract: formalpara
, para
, simpara
, title
See Also
<!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN"
<chapter><title>Some Chapter</title>
In brief, …
In this chapter, …
For additional examples, see also section