Explore the curated list of influental (and mostly free!) educational resources on computer science, math, and human-computer interaction.
The opinionated list of books we like:
- Algorithmic Mathematics [L. Soicher, F. Vivaldi] – Mathematicians can solve problems that programmers cannot, and vice versa. But did you know that math and programming are almost the same thing? This book demonstrates the interconnections between the two.
- Don't Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability, 2nd Edition [S. Krug] (COMMERCIAL, NOT FREE) – In our opinion, one of the greatest books on UI/UX. Despite its web-oriented title, the presented material is universal and touches the fundamental aspects of any human-computer interaction system.
- .NET Book Zero | What the C or C++ Programmer Needs to Know about C# and the .NET Framework [C. Petzold] – If you come from C/C++ background, this classical piece will help you to quickly dive into the world of .NET.
The opinionated list of videos we find enlightening:
- Teletype ASR 33 Part 10: ASR 33 Demo [CuriousMarc] – A computer system is useless if there is no way to communicate with it. Input and output are crucial communication channels. Without them, it wouldn't be possible to ask questions and get answers. The video demonstrates a concept that remains elusive for many modern developers, but only until they see a real TTY in action.